Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Student Activities/elections

Everyone is invited to be a part of the SPJ, and elections for the officers are comming (go to sree's blog for details--online nominations are open). It will be great to formalize and start up an organized group to promote j-school events and advocacy for us all.

A couple of things. pending.

1.There have been some speaker ideas brewing. I have some that I have looked at, plus some eager students are already on the case. Once a speaker's chair and committee is formed this should be easier. Two of my ideas: folks from the new Al-Jazzera Int'l and Judy Miller (who I met at story i was covering..she said she'd come..but I think she was shining me on). other ideas abound.

2. The university has a new head of environmental stewardship. The administration would love to co-sponsor a lunch to find out what is going on.

3.there is proposal for J-school spin on a Sustainability awareness T-shirt!. Any good designers out there. I know there were a volunteers to design new J-school shirts while we were selling them during orientation.

4. The Lounge. As continuing students know.. WOW what a difference.. The spj furnished a tv and a microwave, and with some hard work from SHEILA and ERYN (and some pressure on the vending vendor), the lounge is transormed. This OUR space, and is OUR responsibility. It would be shame to see the space devolve into the unwelcoming wreck of the past. The SPJ will ultimately responsible for upkeep (including the fridge), but everyone should take part. This is why we have nice things.

5. There are new work spaces on 3rd and 6th floor near the offices.. not 100% yet with phones, but still usable. (I am there now!)

Also, as J-school senator, I have the first university plenary on Friday , and library committee tomorrow. I welcome input on univerisity level issues. So far, the primary issue is establish a ground-breaking policy for university research to lead to cheaper drugs to developing nations.

now on to deadlines.. boy school would be fun without all this reporting and writing b.s.


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